
Getting Started

Copy and paste the following files into another folder.

After you've copied the files, you should open your index_html page template in another tab or window.

Overview: index_html

index_html Code:

<tal:page metal:use-macro="container/ptMaster/macros/page">
<tal:body metal:fill-slot="body"
          define="REQUEST        python: container.REQUEST;
                  MASTER         python: container.getRoot().Engr.controls.master;
                  CONTROLS       python: container.controls;
                  IMAGES         python: CONTROLS.images;
                  LINKS          python: CONTROLS.links;
                  LISTS          python: CONTROLS.lists;
                  TEMPLATES      python: CONTROLS.templates;



Information for above:

Overview: CONTROLS

Your "controls" folder contains the following folders and files:

Overview: DATA variables

There are several built-in DATA variables that you can use to adjust the displayed content.